The Coach

Kearstin Woods


A Love Note

" This work was born from a deeply personal journey of death and rebirth. The loss of my partner to unprocessed emotions and trapped energy became a pivotal moment that ignited my mission to help others break free from the weight of unresolved feelings and energetic imbalances. This experience taught me that alignment across the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies is not just a pathway to personal transformation but a necessity for the rise in global consciousness. 

If you’re feeling stuck in one area of life, it’s likely affecting everything else. That’s why I guide clients through a full-spectrum approach to freedom and empowerment by transforming ALL 9- core areas of life. I help them break free from survival mode and create lasting alignment. Using energetic recoding, sub-conscious and consciousness work, we shift patterns at the root level for deep, clear cures.

Commitment to holistic practices grounded in psychology, philosophy, and human science, alchemized my life as well as guided countless others to reclaim balance, clarity, and freedom in theirs. Let's Rise Together!"

The Mission

This mission is to guide individuals toward liberation, empowerment, and energetic mastery by activating their highest consciousness and breaking free from survival mode. Through my personally curated offerings- 10-week 1:1 Energetic Mastery Mentorship, The Survival Mode Cure- free resource, and Unseen Connections: The Four Energy Bodies- eBook—I provide the tools and frameworks necessary to align the physical, mental, emotional, and energetic bodies, as a pathway to personal transformation and a contribution to the rise in global consciousness. 

Rooted in the power of free will and the infinite potential of the human spirit, my work is designed to elevate awareness, inspire healing, and ignite personal expansion. Every moment of mindfulness, every shift in consciousness, and every act of alignment moves us closer to a life of clarity, purpose, and true freedom.

I know that transformation is a journey of choice, and within each of us lies the power to awaken, heal, and co-create a reality of abundance, peace, and fulfillment. This is your path to energetic empowerment and freedom.

Certifications & Practices 

Kearstin brings a diverse, intuitive blend of practices to guide your transformation:


  • Energetic Architecture Methods
  • Meditation & Hypnotherapy
  • Emotional Mastery
  • Trauma-Informed Energy Clearing & Healing


  • Yoga & Meditation
  • Personal Fitness
  • Spiritual Life Mentorship
  • Personal Development

Work With Me 1:1

By accessing and clearing unresolved emotional responses, I help clients release stagnant energy trapped in their field, creating space for emotional resilience and freedom. Through intentional energy work, I guide clients to uncover and rewrite limiting beliefs and patterns held in their subconscious, enabling them to shift into empowerment and alignment with their highest potential. Additionally, I assist clients in identifying and healing the root causes of physical symptoms that often stem from energetic imbalances, fostering harmony between their physical body and energetic field for greater vitality and well-being.

Let’s transform your life together.

🌿 Tap into your highest conscious channel.
✨ Access your magick.
💫 Manifest your dreams into reality.

2025 Offering- 10-week commitment

1:1 Mentorship with Kearstin

Activate Your Highest Conscious Channel & Access Your Power

Magick: The energy of the universe that allows you to manifest and create through the direction and power of your will.

This Transformational Container is for You

Expand your capacity in 9 core areas of life:
Spirituality, Purpose, Relationships, Wealth, Health, Passion, Mindset, Emotional Well-being and Personal Growth.

Through this journey, you will:

  • Move beyond ancestral patterns.
  • Understand and heal trauma.
  • Hold a safe and sacred space for yourself.
  • Track your deepest fears and desires.
  • Identify and honor your feelings and (e)motions—energy in motion.
  • Heal relationships and communication, beginning with yourself.
  • See beyond your current circumstances and grow within them.
  • Clear stuck or blocked energy.
  • Raise your tolerance, standards, and vibrational frequency.
  • Rewire your energetic architecture.
  • Activate your highest self.
  • Manifest your dream reality.
  • Become your own conscious channel.
  • Trust in higher forces, angels, and spirit guides.

This is Energetic & Emotional Mastery—a holistic approach to living as the embodied, powerful human you came here to be.

What You Will Gain

  • A deeper understanding of consciousness, connection, and contact.
  • Tools to process and re-code stuck or blocked energy.
  • Practices, to expand your capacity for life’s challenges and joys.
  • The ability to claim the present moment, visualize your future, and manifest it into reality.
  • Techniques to embody your frequency and become the aligned channel of your highest potential.

Let's Rise Together!

This season of life is guiding me toward expansion, and it’s an honor to share space with you. Thank you. 

About Kearstin’s Journey

She is a mother, medicine woman, protector, and visionary.
Kearstin’s path is rooted in service: raising global consciousness and awakening the power within each of us.

Kearstin is a mystic with the capacity to connect deeply with energies both within and beyond the human experience. Her life has been shaped by decades of practice, discipline, exploration, and transformation:

  • From gymnast to healer: Healing from over 10 years immersed in gymnastics culture.
  • Health, passion, and mindset: 20+ years of rigorous personal growth and exploration.
  • Love and loss: Surviving the shame of divorce and then years later, immense grief after the sudden passing of her life partner and father to her child.

Her professional journey began in 2014 as a 200-hour Registered Yoga Teacher. This foundation opened the path to a decade of:

  • Holistic healing practices and education.
  • Successful entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Global travel and cultural immersion.
  • High-level mentorships and wellness retreats.
  • Plant medicine studies.

Today, Kearstin is an experienced nature nomad, yoga facilitator, personal trainer, business developer, holism coach, spiritual teacher, emotional master, and energetic activator.

Her mission here is to nourish, protect, and inspire with love and integrity. Stepping beyond her inner circle to serve the greater world. Her nature is rooted in strength, grounded presence, and the ability to transform challenges into growth.

I Believe...

  • In spirit, and that we can all channel the guidance of angels.
  • In magick, the universal energy that allows us to create through the power of will.
  • That consciousness is awareness, and peace is found beyond every feeling.
  • That contact with self, then others, is the path to healing.
  • That positive contribution is a frequency we can align with, no matter our circumstances.
  • That trauma is a relational injury and can be healed through connection.
  • That the body knows only truth, and we can learn to feel and trust our truth.
  • That human contact strengthens us, and our collective healing begins in our tribe.

Her Highest Conscious Channel 

I am the she-wolf, the hunter, and the warrior. Resilient and deeply attuned to the rhythms of this earthly world. I draw wisdom from elders, guides, and the ancient energies that awaken the magick within me. As the shaman of my own reality, I channel divine guidance from within, from angels, and from the natural world to align with my soul's purpose.

I am here to serve through emotional connection, profound understanding, and meaningful contribution. I stand deeply connected, divinely protected, and fully present as a guiding channel for others to ascend to their highest state of consciousness.
~ And so it is.